HonorLock: Ed Tech Trends for 2023

Wondering what to expect in education technology this year? Here are nine trends from Honorlock

1. More online exams with hands-on activities

Online exams using traditional questions, like multiple-choice, may take a back seat to hands-on authentic assessments in 2023 because almost 90% of students consider learning job competencies as an important part of educational success*. 

These hands-on authentic assessments are a great fit because students have to demonstrate their ability to complete real job tasks they may encounter at work.

2. Building realistic classrooms in the metaverse

Expect to see instructors and institutions experimenting more with online classes held in the metaverse because it creates a classroom experience that’s engaging and realistic.

3. Welcome experiences for online students

A recent higher ed survey by Salesforce showed that students are 35 times more likely to have a great overall university experience if their onboarding is excellent. The survey also found that students who had a great university experience are 51% more likely to recommend the institution to friends and family.**

Unfortunately, that same survey showed that only a third of students said they had a great welcome experience.

4. More blended proctoring, less single-approach solutions

In 2023, you can expect to see institutions shift away from single-approach solutions like browser lockdown software, live proctoring, and AI-only proctoring. Single-approach solutions have some benefits, but they’re limited and you’re at a disadvantage if you aren’t using a blended approach.

5. Genuine efforts to improve DEI                      

Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) aren’t just buzzwords or statements on your website. It’s a continual journey — not a destination — that takes real effort from everyone involved to improve the teaching and learning experience. Additionally, it can help improve revenue.

6. Digging into web accessibility

Web accessibility is key for online teaching and learning. It’s the difference between a student being able to interact and learn or being left out. 

7. More high-stakes online testing

Some institutions are reluctant to offer high-stakes tests in an online format, but many are beginning to move in that direction. Now, MBA programs, law schools, and even standardized tests, like the GRE and GMAT, are offered in online formats.

8. Using technology to facilitate social learning

Expect to see more social learning elements in online learning in 2023 because they give students the opportunity to truly connect and collaborate, share ideas and perspectives, and learn from others.

9. Finding & removing leaked test questions

Sites like Reddit, Quora, Chegg, and Quizlet make it quick and easy for students to find and share test content. It’s frustrating for instructors and it can hurt the reputation of the program and institution.

The good news is that there are options to protect your content. 

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