Save the Date: Fierce Education’s Business & Leadership Summit

Join Fierce Education and higher education executives on June 29 for this “Business & Leadership: Summer Edition” virtual event to learn what university leaders are doing to keep pace with the rate of change and meet the changing needs of their students and faculty.  Register here.

The business of higher education is continuing to move forward, incorporating new business, teaching and recruitment models to leverage emerging technology and incorporate more blended learning options. University and college leadership are reinventing how their institutions function in this brave new hybrid world and everything is being examined including course curriculum, recruitment and enrollment strategies, technology implementation and training, and strategic partnerships with other institutions and associations.


Keynote: How to Meet the Academic and Mental Needs of Today’s Students

The rapid move to a blended learning environment has had an enormous impact on all facets of higher education. Colleges and universities have had to evaluate their course curriculum, instructors have had to embrace new ways of teaching and engaging students, and students have had to adjust to a new way of learning. And while many institutions have made great strides in addressing these needs, more is required as student engagement and mental health become pressing issues.

Speaker: Gregory Adam Haile, President, Broward College

Session 1: Better Preparing Students for the New Workforce

College and university faculty and administrators are seeing a learning and social gap with incoming students.  And in the current economic climate, colleges and universities are finding that traditional degrees may not be as appealing to some as they previously were. As a result, many institutions are trying to figure out how they can incorporate non-credit learning into courses, create micro-credentials and leverage the growing educational technology market to offer their students alternatives to prepare them better for the evolving job market

Speaker: Kenneth M. Smith, President and CEO of Jobs for America’s Graduates, Inc. (JAG),

Session 2:  How New Technology is Changing the Higher Ed Landscape

Artificial Intelligence. ChatGPT. G5. Virtual Reality. Augmented Reality. The technology landscape is changing fast and colleges and universities have had to accelerate their technology implementations to meet the current needs of students and faculty as hybrid learning accelerates. From more bandwidth to seamless and secure access to artificial intelligence and virtual reality applications, learn how higher ed institutions are embracing the latest technologies to keep pace with demand the deliver a better student experience.

Speakers: Laura Kohl, Director of Library Services of Bryant University and Allison Papini, Assistant Director/Manager of Research & Instruction Services, Bryant University