McGraw Hill: Six Tips to Prepare for Midterms

Whether it’s the first time taking a midterm or the fifth or sixth time, the nerves of taking a midterm and preparing for one don’t go away. However, finding a studying technique that works for students and allows them to keep their momentum throughout the midterms is key to feeling more prepared. Here are a few study tips to prepare four students for midterms. 

1. Find your study technique. It’s important to remember that everyone has different studying techniques. Does studying in blocks of time with breaks in between work for you? Do you benefit from using flashcards? Do you need to study in a quiet place free of distractions? What works for someone else might not work for you so it’s important to figure out what works for you.

2. Take breaks and prepare snacks. Studying for your midterm takes time. Sometimes you might study for an hour or two but other times you might find yourself studying for two-three hours at a time. It’s important that you remember to take breaks so that you don’t feel burned out and to stay fueled and hydrated with snacks and water so that you can retain the information that you’re studying.

3. Review your testing information. When you finally receive your testing information, make sure you know the date, time, testing format, and location of your exam. Knowing all of this in advance will help you feel more prepared on the day of the exam.

4. Ask questions. Don’t forget to ask questions! Asking questions allows you to clarify information and perform better. Your professor wants to make sure that you understand everything that’s expected and complete the exam successfully. If you have any questions, you can ask them anytime and they’re more than happy to help!

5. Arrive well rested and hydrated. Arrive at your exam well rested, fueled, hydrated, and on time! It’s a lot easier to concentrate and perform well on your exam when you’re not rushing, burned out, or feeling dehydrated. Remember to take care of yourself in addition to studying so that you’re able to complete the exam.

6. Take your time. When you first start the exam, you might feel worried about completing the exam on time. You might also find yourself feeling rushed. Something that helps me pace myself during an exam is skimming through the exam first so that I have an idea of what to expect. It allows me to plan how much time I might need on specific questions and circle back to them later during the exam.

Taking a midterm is never easy. But it helps to remember that you’re not the only one that has one. You don’t have to go through preparation alone. You can benefit from looking for resources on your campus such as your library or learning centers, your professors, and even your peers. The next time you’re preparing for a midterm and feel overwhelmed, remember to consider all the options you have.

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Riyahuana Headley is a senior participating in the accelerated master’s program to receive her master’s in Urban Studies while completing her bachelor’s in urban studies with minors in honors of social sciences and cities in social medicine at Queens College. As a McGraw Hill student ambassador, she loves the opportunity to represent a company whose mission is to support and help students like her succeed

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