Envisioning the Future of Networks in Higher Education

The interplay between artificial intelligence (AI), privacy, blockchain, and policy/governance is shaping the future of networks, especially in higher education. The aim of these string of words is to provide insights into this intricate landscape and shed light on the implications it holds for society.

AI can be a catalyst for transformation, isn’t it already? Artificial intelligence has emerged as a transformative force across industries, revolutionizing the way we live and work. AI-driven systems possess the ability to process vast amounts of data, derive meaningful insights, and make informed decisions. We have already, and literally for decades, been exposed to AI developments. Logistics, healthcare, automation, electric vehicles are but a few co-locations where AI intersects with our current day-to-day.

However, this immense potential comes with ethical considerations. Who owns the data? Can you relinquish your right to your data? Is your data for use or purchase? I know this gets at decentralized autonomous organizations (DOA) too, but that is not for this discussion. Privacy concerns arise as personal data becomes fuel for AI algorithms. Striking the right balance between leveraging AI’s power and safeguarding privacy is essential for a sustainable future.

The imperative of privacy protection will only continue to be wrestled with in a space that is not democratized. This “network” must be all inclusive. The ubiquity of networks and the pervasive nature of AI raise concerns about privacy infringement. At what point does your privacy become open to review and scrutiny? Who owns your SSN? Will we need new assigned “digits”? Are we digitizing and linking all private information into public-private systems?

As individuals interact with interconnected devices, their personal information is collected, analyzed, and utilized. Preserving privacy in this digital age necessitates comprehensive data protection regulations and technological safeguards. It is imperative that individuals maintain control over their data, with transparency and informed consent as foundational principles.

By striking a delicate equilibrium between AI-driven innovation and privacy protection, we can harness the potential of networks for the betterment of society. This is a space where Trust networks will be increasingly, not only important, but permeably permanent.

The network has to have the ability to evolve with the person and visa versa. Blockchain is a place for us to build trust and security. In the face of increasing digitization, blockchain technology presents a decentralized solution to enhance trust, security, and transparency within networks.

Through its immutable and distributed ledger, blockchain offers an innovative approach to data management, ensuring the integrity and reliability of transactions. It has the potential to revolutionize sectors such as finance, supply chain management, and healthcare, fostering efficiency and accountability. However, the adoption of blockchain requires careful consideration of scalability, interoperability, and regulatory frameworks to fully unlock its transformative potential.

Motlow State Community College has launched its digital skills wallet, Metaversity. The verifiable blockchain enabled digital wallet was built in 5 months in partnership with the Learning Economy Foundation and DXtera. A $500K grant from the Tennessee Higher Education Commission (THEC) funded the development of Phase I. Motlow State has deployed Metaversity to 100 students in our Mechatronics and Robotics programs. We have a portable solution for our students to show their skills to anyone, anywhere, anytime, and on demand.

Most recently, we provided the National Governors Association, Jobs For the Future, and Vantage Consulting with a snapshot of our work from the student perspective. We believe that the meaning and lessons taken from our student representatives provided all in earshot a clearer picture of our use case. Our goal is to scale this model across our institution and continue to support our students and employers. We are utilizing our approaches, parts of our next wave would be to utilize our meta tools to hire employees.

Navigating the policy/governance in the future will be a continuous process. As networks evolve and intertwine with AI, privacy, and blockchain, policy and governance frameworks must adapt accordingly. Are we prepared for the adaptations necessary? Do we have enough of a knowledge base to make informed decisions?

Obviously, governments and regulatory bodies will play a crucial role in establishing guidelines that encourage innovation, ensure network security, and protect individual rights. The question raised is how I touch with what is emergent are they in order to regulate its nuances?

Collaborative efforts are needed to address the challenges posed by emerging technologies, such as AI bias, data breaches, and algorithmic transparency. Policymakers must strike a balance between pausing to paralysis and fostering innovation while safeguarding societal interests.

The continuity between establishing ethical standards and legal frameworks to govern the deployment of network technologies is paramount. The social implications of AI are stretched. The interplay of AI, privacy, blockchain, and policy/governance has far-reaching implications for society.

On one hand, AI-driven networks hold immense potential for economic growth, improved healthcare, personalized education, and enhanced decision-making processes. On the other hand, concerns over privacy breaches, algorithmic bias, and the digital divide loom large.

As we shape the future of networks, we must ensure that technology serves as an equalizer, bridging societal gaps and empowering individuals. This is a large gap to fill. Does it not expand constantly? Closing this hole requires “wrap-around” policies, ethical practices, and comprehensive educational initiatives to prepare individuals for the networked world of today and tomorrow.

As we navigate the complex relationship between AI, privacy, blockchain, and policy/governance, it’s crucial to acknowledge their profound impact on the future of networks and society as a whole. Striking a harmonious balance becomes essential, combining innovation and progress with ethical considerations and protection of individual rights.

Our effectiveness relies on moving together as a unified force. This moment is transformative, demanding intertwined collective approaches. To achieve this, we must embrace responsible AI development, prioritize privacy safeguards, harness the transformative potential of blockchain, and establish robust policies. Additionally, international collaboration in policy making can streamline safeguards, enabling nations to learn and grow together. The work has already begun, and we must continue together.

Dr. Michael Torrence is President of Motlow State Community College.