What is Quality Online Learning Versus Remote Emergency Instruction?

Online learning became vital to continuing the delivery of learning in schools, universities, colleges or organizations through the COVID-19 pandemic. Some institutions that had not previously embraced the opportunities of eLearning were tasked with urgently transferring face-to-face delivery to emergency remote instruction. This required a herculean effort from many teachers, trainers, administrators, faculty and managers, and it is important that this achievement is acknowledged and celebrated. 

However, it is equally important to recognize that technology has been at the forefront of pushing educational effectiveness to new levels for hundreds of years. Whether through slide projectors, radio, videotapes or now to the opportunities provided by learning management systems, social messaging and integrated technology solutions, understanding learning science is key to using technology to create quality online learning experiences that improve learner outcomes.

Quality online learning versus emergency remote delivery 

There has been some stigma about online learning as being lower quality than face-to-face learning, despite research showing otherwise. It is conceivable that hurried moves transferring face-to-face delivery to an online format in the early months of the pandemic may have contributed to this perception. While emergency moves online served the purpose of providing continuation of learning, it could not, and cannot, take full advantage of the possibilities of the online format and inspiring instructional design.

Generally, remote learning is an emergency measure that simply involves taking a course that was designed for the face-to-face classroom and moving it into a synchronous platform, usually via a web-conferencing tool such as Zoom.

In contrast, the most successful online programs are carefully crafted by course designers who follow best practices in leveraging technology to organize courses, present content, empower teachers, ensure accessibility, accommodate different learning styles and encourage collaborative engagement.

The characteristics of quality online learning experiences
At their core, quality online learning experiences embrace the science of learning and foundational theories of instructional design. While there are many different theories or models such as social constructivism, the ADDIE model, or ABC Learning Design, most advocate for placing the learner and program learning outcomes at the center of the learning design approach. Student engagement- that is the attention, curiosity, interest and passion that students have for their learning- is enhanced through a student-centered model of online learning.

Through a deliberate planning process in establishing learning outcomes, forms of assessment, and the sequence and design of learning activities, quality online learning experiences are characterized by:

Learning as a social endeavor

A good quality online learning experience facilitates interactions between the teacher and the learner and between students. They include teachers utilizing technology to provide learners personalized feedback, support and guidance. Interactions among learners may include discussing issues through messaging or forums, contributing opinions, or collaborating with peers to solve a problem. In other words, a good online course should become a social learning environment.

Learning through acquisition
Providing students learning materials through a variety of formats ensures that all types of learners are able to acquire knowledge, For instance, delivering learning content and allowing learners to explore, compare and engage with materials across different modalities such as live web conferencing, podcasts, videos, articles or infographics, allows for a deeper understanding and acquisition of concepts.

Learning through practice
Best practice online courses provide opportunities for learners to learn through “doing”, not just reading or listening. This involves providing learners opportunities to apply what they have learned or demonstrate their learning through a range of formats and activities. For instance, this could involve writing an assignment, constructing or answering a quiz, creating a multi-modal presentation or writing a block of code. The feedback they receive from each other or their teacher through both formative and summative assessment contributes to the development of further knowledge.

Learning through autonomy
Providing learners with the ability to self-direct their learning is a key characteristic of quality online learning programs. While some face-to-face interaction is important in online learning, it is equally critical to deliver asynchronous learning experiences that accommodate learners’ differences in the way they perceive and comprehend information. Providing learners autonomy to engage with learning materials and each other within formats and time constraints most suitable to them improves learning outcomes.

Continuous improvement
A good online course keeps getting better. Course designers, teachers and trainers who engage in a process of ongoing review and revision through capturing feedback and utilizing data insights will improve their learning programs, student engagement and learner outcomes.

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